July 6, 2022 – PMTLAI-UNESCAP Capacity Building Workshop on Cargo Claims & Insurance


Hybrid Set Up: Webinar Via ZOOM & Classroom Based
AM Schedule: 09:00AM – 05:30 PM

The UNESCAP – PMTLAI Capacity Building Workshop on Cargo Claims and Insurance was conducted on July 6, 2022 from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM on Hybrid set-up.

The event has been participated in by some 80 participants virtually and 50 in-person participants at PMTLAI’s Training Center.

PMTLAI’s Pres. Mr. Fernando Perez has delivered the opening remarks and Mr. Edouard Chong – Economic Affairs Officer at Transport Connectivity and Logistics Section of ESCAP Transport Division has welcomed the participants

Experts from the field of Cargo Claims and Insurance were the resource speakers. Mr. Aldric De Leon discussed about Managing Risks in the Logistics Industry; Mr. Carlo Villegas talked about Claims Procedures and Mr. Edmond Oliva took on the topic about Claims and Procedures for Cargo Liability Insurance.

PMTLAI’s Training Director Ms. Doris Torres has acknowledged the participation of the members who participated at the closing of the program and Mr. Francis Villanueva – PMTLAI’s Public Relations Officer hosted the event.

The active participation of the participants and the positive feedback on the quick survey conducted, have contributed to the success of the event.




Question and Answer Portion

Event Proper