PMTLAI Promotes a Quality Mindset in the Multimodal Transport and Logistics Industry

In line with the Philippine Multimodal Transport and Logistics Association Inc. ( PMTLAI) ‘s vision for enhancement of performance excellence and competitiveness of the industry, it has partnered with the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI) – Competitiveness Bureau in introducing the Philippine Quality Award (PQA) program to its members.

A half day orientation was conducted at the Hotel Jen on May 8, 2018 . Ms. Mary Jean T. Pacheco, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry-Competitiveness Bureau discussed Achieving Performance Excellence through PQA Framework while Ms. Josephine F. Abanto, Vice President, Corporate Planning and Quality – AAI Worldwide Logistics, Inc. , discussed their company’s quality program and their journey towards achieving the 2007 PQA Recognition for Commitment to Quality Management

The PQA is an integrated approach for performance management that sets the standard of excellence to help Philippine organizations achieve world-class performance. It is also the highest level of national recognition that a Philippine organization can achieve in organizational performance excellence. Established in 1998 and institutionalized in 2001 through R.A. 9013 also known as the Philippine Quality Award Act, it uses a set of criteria that provides our local organizations with an integrated, results-oriented framework in implementing and assessing processes and it is patterned after the US Baldrige Performance Excellence Program.

Photos L to R: Ms. Mary Jean T. Pacheco, Ms. Josephine F. Abanto and Ms. Marilyn C. Alberto.