Virtual Launching Ceremony of the Readiness Assessment for Cross-Border Paperless Trade (CBPT): The Philippines

This event is co-organized by the Bureau of Customs and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (United Nations ESCAP) held last June 02, 2022 via ZOOM conference.

It aims to discuss the significant progress made by the Philippines in applying trade facilitation and paperless trade despite the pandemic, based on the readiness assessment for cross-

borderpaperless trade report of the United Nations ESCAP.This also supports the Philippines in fulfilling its obligation to the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade

in Asia and the Pacific (CPTA).

Opening Remarks By BOC-Comm. Rey Leonardo Guerrero

Welcome Remarks By ESCAP-Mr. Yann Duval

Resource Speakers

Closing Remarks By Ms. Antonette Tionko